Free Web Hosting for Your Sermons – Your Sermons in the Cloud

Free Web Hosting for Your Sermons Your Sermons in the Cloud

I have three great, free options for you if you're looking for a free way to host your podcast. The first is a podcasting service called, the second is a podcasting service called Sounder, and third, there's an option of uploading and hosting your files from

Several years ago I recommended here hosting sermon audio in the cloud for free at They no longer offer from sermon audio hosting but there are other options now.

Two services I recommend these days are and

As a web developer especially interested in helping churches for many years now I'm often asked “how do I add audio to our church website?

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How To Edit Jetpack infinite scroll footer text on Genesis Themes

How To Edit Jetpack infinite scroll footer text on Genesis Themes

Infinite scroll on websites is becoming more common and is a clever and effective method for retaining site visitors. With infinite scroll there's no longer a need to click the previous or next archive pagination links.

With the Jetpack plugin thankfully there's a one-click method of activating infinite scroll on your self hosted WordPress powered site. But if you're using the Genesis Theme Framework, as I am these days on all the sites I develop, when you try to activate infinite scroll you may receive a polite message which states that your theme isn't compatible with the infinite scroll feature. Our you may not receive an error message but infinite scroll just won't work.

By the way, if you aren't using Genesis Theme Framework and a Genesis Theme, you should be, get the framework and a theme here.

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What is a blog?

This is a great, short “video” explanation if you are wondering what a blog is. Video courtesy Common Craft