10 Reasons to build your church website with WordPress

10 Reasons to build your church website with WordPress

Most churches today have a website. But the majority of church websites are never updated with current church information and news.

WordPress is the most flexible content management system for keeping your church website useful and easy to update. WordPress is easy to learn and use, so you'll be more likely to use it to keep your church website current.

Anyone thinking of visiting your church will likely look for your website before their first visit. Even if it's only to check the service times. I heard of a church recently that had a family choose to visit their church over all the other churches in the community because their website was the only one with easy-to-find service times.

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7 Powerful Information Management Tools

7 Powerful Information Management Tools

I used to be a saver, meaning, I saved everything. It finally hit me the last time we moved, over 9 years ago thankfully, that I was having a hard time letting go of stuff. As I was loading the truck I realized we were moving boxes that had remained unopened since our last move over 3 years earlier.

That kind of “save everything” thinking has also shown up in how I do my work. Piles of paper, boxes, and shelves full of books, notes stuck all over, all this could easily overtake my workspace if it weren't for the help I get from a bit of technology.

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Free Web Hosting for Your Sermons – Your Sermons in the Cloud

Free Web Hosting for Your Sermons Your Sermons in the Cloud

I have three great, free options for you if you're looking for a free way to host your podcast. The first is a podcasting service called Anchor.fm, the second is a podcasting service called Sounder, and third, there's an option of uploading and hosting your files from Archive.org.

Several years ago I recommended here hosting sermon audio in the cloud for free at SermonCloud.com. They no longer offer from sermon audio hosting but there are other options now.

Two services I recommend these days are Achor.fm and Archive.org.

As a web developer especially interested in helping churches for many years now I'm often asked “how do I add audio to our church website?

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How to Get Notification of WordPress and Plugin Updates

How to Get Notification of WordPress and Plugin Updates

Have you ever wanted a way to be notified when there's a WordPress update available or there's a plugin on your WordPress powered website that's in need of updating?

With WordPress in use on an estimated 60% of all websites worldwide, it is a prime target for attack. There will always be bad actors trying to find and exploit any weakness they can use to their advantage.

Whether there's a weakness in the WordPress code or a flaw in one of the many plugins for WordPress there will always be risks. But the risks can be minimized.

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How To Edit Jetpack infinite scroll footer text on Genesis Themes

How To Edit Jetpack infinite scroll footer text on Genesis Themes

Infinite scroll on websites is becoming more common and is a clever and effective method for retaining site visitors. With infinite scroll there's no longer a need to click the previous or next archive pagination links.

With the Jetpack plugin thankfully there's a one-click method of activating infinite scroll on your self hosted WordPress powered site. But if you're using the Genesis Theme Framework, as I am these days on all the sites I develop, when you try to activate infinite scroll you may receive a polite message which states that your theme isn't compatible with the infinite scroll feature. Our you may not receive an error message but infinite scroll just won't work.

By the way, if you aren't using Genesis Theme Framework and a Genesis Theme, you should be, get the framework and a theme here.

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How To Add A Read More Link to Genesis Child Theme Excerpts

How To Add A Read More Link to Genesis Child Theme Excerpts

Using the Genesis Theme Framework is a huge help when setting up, customizing and maintaining a WordPress powered website. But sometimes the default settings won't quite meet your requirements.

Recently while customizing a Genesis Child Theme for a client's website, in the theme settings I had set the Content Archives to Display post excerpts. But when viewing the post archives the excerpts did not have a “Read More” link like the client wanted.

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